We can all use a bit more vitality in our lives to start off a new chapter in our lives. Vitality is the power/capacity to live, grow or develop; of having exuberant physical strength and/or mental vigor; the capacity to continue a meaningful or purposeful existence. It can be easy and fun to start the year off right with a simple recipe to follow.
The first step is to have a clear vision in which you are thriving. Something that will make you want to get up in the morning, achieve your action steps and reach your goals. We love the New Year and always have big dreams and big projects to greet it. Do you? So, what is your vision for 2021?
When choosing, make sure you think about your health as a part of the year, because without your health you can’t do much. So, is it going to be a peaceful, relaxing year or a year filled with achievement, adventure and challenges being overcome?
Here is ours for an example: We are envisioning ourselves full of vitality, in our happy place surrounded by the people we love, enjoying life daily. Dr. Emma sees herself safe, but in an environment that is challenging and full of good surprises. In an amazing community of exceptional people, where she continues growing and serving (being the doctor) and teaching, especially the younger generation. Dr. Burton sees a sense of connection and safety in a community of generous people while living in a world that requires him to adapt. He sees himself continuing to educate and heal the young and mature as well as himself.
Step 2, Commit to giving your body what it needs to thrive. We know it is sometimes tiresome or overwhelming to pay attention and give the physical body what it needs to be at its best. Your physical body is, and will be all your life, your most important companion. Your vehicle for your spirit. See it like a Ferrari. If you don’t treat it like a VIP, expect it to slow down, break down or revolt and create issues. Our bodies health comes from 3 basic needs: what you consume (food, drink, drugs, etc.), how you move (activity level and type) and your mental (parasympathetic / sympathetic nervous system) balance.
You may also have some very specific needs linked with your genetics, your environment and/or the damages that you’ve already inflicted your body. You will need help to identify and sometimes to take care of those specific needs. We are here to help you identify them.
Step 3 Commit to a program with accountability partners that will keep you honest to yourself and the goals you have set for the next few weeks/months. It is easier to achieve any goal with a support system that keeps you on track. We are here to be your accountability partner, holding your hand and encouraging you along the way.
When we have a dream (step 1) and the energy to pursue it (step 2), the Law of Attraction starts to come into play. Opportunities will show up and our commitment to our dream provides the action steps to help us along the way. Often, we get in our own way with things like procrastination and unfounded fears. Having partners to help us overcome the challenges and see our available options helps us achieve our goal.
San Clemente Vitality center’s programs:
– Increase Your Vitality. Life can be so fun when we feel good and have energy to live it fully. Vitality is a combination of physical, emotional, and mental health; when you are flexible and connected to yourself on many levels, listening to and trusting your intuition and spiritual connection.
– Activate your Life – Tune-up the different systems in your body, the same way mechanics tune-up a car. When was your last tune-up?
– Weight Loss program. Lose weight for Life by reprograming your body and mind for an easy process.
– Aging Successfully – staying youthful in your body and mind with practices and therapies that aid in longevity
– Brain Balancing programs – for those that suffer from anxiety and depression, ADHD, brain fog….this program works to rebalance the brain, nervous system and body using a wholistic approach.
– Detox: Assisting the body to detox from chemicals, heavy metals, bugs and bacteria, and other toxins present in our environment.
We are here to help you achieve your goals and can point you toward other experts and programs that would help you. You don’t have to do it all alone. Give us a call, an email, or comment below if you want some help in getting started.