Emma Wagner
The Happy Healthy Family Program
The only program to help easily transform your habits into healthier habits,
optimize your loved ones Health
and create more life enjoyment
for you and the whole family that you love,
with ease and grace.
Close your eyes and imagine:
…what would it feel like if your kids were healthy, didn’t need to see the doctor every month, no expensive medications, no missed workdays because of sick days?
…If your family was effortlessly getting along, bonding, playing together?
…if you could have more quality time for yourself and your loved ones, a life style that allows you to have the family of your dreams?
Ok, now open your eyes and come back to me.
Is everything you’ve just imagined kinda far from your current reality?
Uncertainty on what you should do for your family health keeps you stuck, or maybe you do know but you have no clue how to get the whole family started.
Have you ever felt like....
You’re the only mom that don’t know the secret to raise a healthy family?
That it’s impossible to be a mom, a business woman, a wife, a lover, a friend, …?
The kind of family relationship you crave requires more money, more work and more time?
If you are nodding your head yes, then I’ve got some news for you
( a little bit of bad followed by some really good)
Bad news
Yes, you’ve been left out on some secrets about family’s health and lead to believe in some wrong information.
Good news
Those secrets are not hard to use; you just need the information and tools in place to use them properly.
I’m here to help you especially if:
You are struggling in your job as a mom:
– putting yummy and healthy food on the table that everyone will eat,
– find activities for the all family to do
– create quality time and bonding.
You’ve never learned anything about healthy eating and moving, maybe your mom never taught you. You want to change the family dynamics, no more dysfunctional family for you, the cycle ends with you.
No matter where you are on your journey, here’s what I want you to know and feel in your heart: You are ready to create the family of your dreams.
And it can all be yours – starting now.
My unique Health Coaching brings real multicultural life experience
and a system where the whole family works together.
I am Emma Wagner and I created
The Happy Healthy Family Program
for families like yours!
Why should you work with me ?
My experience
My education
My listening abilities
My understanding
– I have 16 years as a health care provider and I am raising my own happy healthy family.
– I’ve worked successfully with families suffering from ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Obesity, Cancer …
– As a trained doctor of chiropractic, I keep up with the latest scientific research and information on health.
– I’ve lived on 3 different continents so I understand what works and what doesn’t work in a family setting.
If you see my current family’s success just know it has been from years of applying the information and tools contained in this program.
- My son was hyperactive and we found out that he WAS allergic dog hair and dust, he WAS sensitive to dairies and he was having a lot of sick days. We now have a dog, he eats ice cream and he is a strait A student.
- I was overwhelmed with managing my busy life (being a mom, a wife, a business woman, a friend…) that I would get depressed and seclude myself away. I know now what I need to do to stay on top of my life. Let me help you figure out what it will take for you.
- I was having difficulty communicating with my family and showing them how much I love them. I now understand myself better and I know how to get them to understand what they need to do so that they are taking actions in their own heath.
The Happy Healthy Family program was created especially for new and overwhelmed mom that what to easily create the family of their dream.
Before you attempt to go out and try your own version of spaghetti-health let me save you tons of time, effort and money by showing you exactly what you’ll get in just 6 weeks.
In just 6 weeks of group coaching you’ll know:
- What your body needs
- Portion control
- Healthy eating habits
- Ways to get your family moving
- Why a brainy breakfast is important
- 10 brainy breakfast tips
- How to make happy hormones
- Which fats are good for you
- What kind of protein you should eat
- How to prevent injuries
- Making play a part of your life
- How much and what we should drink
I know you’re sick and tired of feeling overwhelmed and confused that feeling stops now.
This program includes:
Six coaching videos
Six complete coaching workbooks
Lifetime access to your materials
Email support
Here’s how it all breaks down
Know the basics: The Foundation of your Health
Improving your family’s health doesn’t have to take more time, more work, or even more money. What it does require is the right information and tools to make eating and moving healthy, fun, and part of a healthy lifestyle that lasts.
We will also talk about meal planning so that mom’s job gets easier.
This program includes instruction in the four pillars of health:
Lifestyle: How we live
Attitude: How we think
Exercise: How we move
Nutrition: How we eat
Traffic light Eating and portion control
Breakfast and grains
Veggies and fruits
The skinny on fat
Power up with protein and play
But, that’s not it
when you enroll now you’ll also get
this killer bonus
Bonus Number 3
A 45 min coaching call with Emma
Webinar: Stress Free Life
Being healthy is about attitude toward life and stress is a big factor in how healthy you can be
You will learn:
- The good and bad ways to cope with stress
- How to transform anxiety into a powerful energy that will serve you
- Learn about yourself and your family member
- Communicate and work together in fun ways
- To breathe and relax
Private, members only facebook group
Your daily dip into this Facebook group will soon be some of the most inspiring and….
Of your day as you:
Tap into a thriving community for new ideas, recipes, and inspiration.
Ask question and quickly troubleshoot any little (or big) challenges standing in your way.
Most flexible : 3 payment of
Best value : one payment of
Need help ordering or you have any question
- [email protected]
Tel: 949-616-5241